The Alpacas are closely related to camels, looked as a mix between a graceful Gazelle and a furry sheep. It was love at first sight and we knew that we have to bring these wonderful animals to Israel.
The incredible journey from the Andes to the Negev Mountains
We had a dream – To live alongside unique animals, in a peaceful and non-harming way. We had travelled all the way to the Andes mountains in South America, sitting high at an altitude of 4,000 Meters above sea level. It was there that we met the Alpacas and Llamas. We fell immediately fell in love! The funny faces, peculiar behavior, super-soft wool and their majestic calmness had charmed us.

We had learned the in the Inca civilization the Alpacas filled a central role in the economy and culture. They were used for milk, the Alpaca wool; was used to make clothing for the extreme weather, and the Llamas were used to transport heavy loads over long distances. We chose the most suitable Alpacas and Llamas based on the type, color and quality of the wool.

For months we travelled around the villages of the indigenous people of the mountains, the descendants of the Inca kingdom

We were planning to simply grow our herd to produce premium wool, but soon after we started our farm word of the unique animals in the heart of the Negev spread across Israel. Curious visitors started coming to the farm to gaze at this sight and the farm became a must-see tourist attraction. Since those early days over a million visitors came to our farm, many of them even spent a few nights in our cabins to really immerse in the farm life.
It was an impossible idea and a crazy adventure
We were looking for a suitable place for our farm – a dry, high-altitude desert, with cool weather and endless grazing areas. We found the perfect place next to Mitzpe Ramon in the the Negev Mountain range. In the meeting point of two desert gullies, full of ancient Nabatean terraces, we found the perfect place. Our herd of Alpacas and Llamas had a new place to call home.
The wool factory
Soon after we started producing our special wol we learned that since Alpaca wool is so fine and delicate, there are no factories that can process it. We has to build our own factory, on the farm, which you can visit. Today, all stages of wool production are made on the farm. From the birth of a baby Alpaca, to shearing, to knitting and spinning the yarns.
Horses in the Desert
The unique terrain and proximity to the Ramon crater encouraged us to explore the possibilities of adapting horses to this environment. We had acquired and started (broke in) many stallions to adapt to riding in the desert.Our horses had won multiple competitions and were praised by local and international horses experts.
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Phone: 972-528977010 | Email:
Give a call, write us an email or simply fill in the form and we will get back you within a day.
Phone: 972-528977010 | Email: